Blog Posts

October 3, 2022

Announcing the new Synapse Dashboard

Carla McMorris

We are excited to share the launch of our v3 dashboard. With a focus on reliability and scale, this release was developed to lay a solid foundation for your platform with powerful new languages, tools, and frameworks. Delivering efficiency and ease of use, this release includes valuable new features like quick copying and saved filters that make it faster and simpler to get the insights that you need.

Let's take a look at some of the changes that make this possible.

Powerful New Languages, Tools and Frameworks

The Synapse v3 dashboard supports you and your team, with improvements that make it more stable, reliable, and ready to scale. By incorporating new languages, tools, and frameworks such as Typescript, React Hooks and Fluent UI, Synapse will be able to create valuable new features faster. Additional improvements to testing and error monitoring will also make our dashboard more reliable than ever before.


One of the new languages that the dashboard is taking advantage of is Typescript. Typescript is a superset of Javascript that adds optional strong static typing and supports a tighter integration with code editors. This change will allow for faster development and increased error detection, making it easier for our team to deliver the features that you need.

React Hooks

The dashboard is now utilizing React hooks. React hooks are functions that allow developers to ‘hook into’ the React state. This improves the code readability and reusability by decoupling unrelated logic from lifecycle methods. Using React hooks creates a more uniform coding style that will simplify development.

Fluent UI

The dashboard has also integrated with Fluent UI. Fluent UI is a collection of UX frameworks for creating cross-platform apps. By using Fluent UI, our developers will be able to spend less time maintaining old libraries and more time delivering new features.  Fluent UI has additional benefits such as improved accessibility and custom styling that make development incredibly simple.

Testing and Error Monitoring

The Synapse dashboard is now taking advantage of new tools to improve testing and error monitoring.  Cypress will allow our team to conduct more in depth end-to-end testing, while Sentry will inform our team of any errors encountered by users.  By using these tools we will be able to more reliably test and monitor our dashboard to ensure that you always have access to the information you need.

Valuable New Features

We are taking advantage of the new languages, tools and frameworks to deliver exciting features like quick copy, savable searches, and URL search parameters to support you and your team. Here is a preview of the standout features that are part of this release.

Quick Copy

The Synapse dashboard provides your team access to business critical insights that are needed to serve your customers, however repeatedly highlighting and copying information can take up valuable time. As part of this release, you will now be able to quickly copy information using the copy icon in the dashboard. This will allow your team to spend less time copying information and more time finding valuable insights.

Savable Searches

The Synapse dashboard gives your team the ability to quickly search for important information, but complex searches can be tough to manage and replicate. As part of this release, you will now be able to save searches in the dashboard. This will allow your team to quickly retrieve and run important searches that assist your users.

URL Search Parameters

The Synapse dashboard allows for your team to collaborate by providing URL links to specific nodes, users, or transactions, however users could not share specific searches without recreating them in a new session. As a part of this release, your team will be able to share links with search parameters embedded in the URL. This will make it easier for your team to collaborate and share complex searches.

These features are just the beginning of what Synapse can offer using our new v3 dashboard.

What’s Next?

Synapse is laying the foundation to deliver new features through the v3 dashboard. Our team has already begun investing in future improvements to platform onboarding, user onboarding, and platform analytics that will give your team the features needed to scale your platform. We expect to share more exciting developments in the near future.

Getting Started with the New Dashboard

The v3 dashboard is accessible using this link or by changing the existing login ( from ‘v2’ to ‘v3’. Your team will still be able to access previous versions of the dashboard for a period of time. Our team will share full deprecation dates in the near future.

For additional questions, contact your customer growth manager or connect with our team at

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Announcing the new Synapse Dashboard

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Carla McMorris
October 3, 2022

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.